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It refers to a disease in which bone mass decreases and the bone tissue becomes sparse and easily fractures even with a small impact. The bones of osteoporosis patients are not dense inside, and when viewed under a microscope, holes can be seen. Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, and the incidence increases with age.

Risk Factors

  • Medications
    Steroids (=corticosteroids) can decrease calcium absorption and increase excretion, leading to osteoporosis.
  • Diseases
    Chronic liver disease, chronic kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, etc. may cause osteoporosis.
  • Gender
    When estrogen decreases after menopause, bone metabolism, especially bone loss occurs at a faster rate than bone formation, leading to osteoporosis. In particular, ovarian resection and early menopause women have a high prevalence.
  • Age
    In the elderly, bone-forming cells deteriorate and the absorption of calcium and vitamin D decreases, so osteoporosis is easy to occur.
  • Diet
    Caffeine increases urinary excretion of calcium, so it is better to reduce caffeine-containing foods (coffee, tea, cola, etc.).
  • Smoking
    Smoking lowers bone mass and increases the fracture rate, and increases the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women, because it increases sex hormone metabolism and causes early menopause.
In the treatment of osteoporosis, it is important to consume enough calcium to strengthen the bones, but in order for the absorbed calcium to be absorbed into the bones, the bones must feel the weight of our body. So walking is essential. Regular exercise can increase bone strength and prevent fractures.
  • · Calcium Preparation

    Calcium preparations can prevent and treat osteoporosis by supplying calcium, the main component of bones. Calcium absorption is improved by taking small amounts frequently rather than in large amounts at one time.
  • · Vitamin D Preparation

    Vitamin D treats osteoporosis by increasing the absorption of calcium in the small intestine and regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and also plays an important role in hormone formation and immune regulation. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the human body can synthesize, and when exposed to sunlight, the skin can synthesize it.
  • · Calcitonin

    Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland and prevents bone loss. Calcium and vitamin D must be consumed in sufficient quantities to be effective.
  • · Oral alendronic acid

    Oral alendronic acid is an agent that attaches to osteoclasts and stops bone loss by preventing bone loss. Although the therapeutic effect is excellent, the absorption rate is very low, so the effect of increasing bone density is weak. Take the medicine with a lot of water and do not lie down for 30 minutes after taking it.
  • · Injection therapy

    To compensate for the low absorption rate of the injection, it is an intravenous drug that is administered once every 3 months and there is no gastrointestinal disorder. Occasionally, with treatment, pain may come in the early stages. In particular, if the stomach is weak and it is difficult to take medicine, injection therapy will be helpful.