- Evaluation of Healing and Complications After Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy for Chronic Anal Fissure: Marginal Suture of Incision vs. Open Left Incision: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study
1 . Biliary cast syndrome in non-liver surgery patients: 간 수술의 병력이 없는 환자에서 발생한 담관 원주 증후군 - Korean J Gastroenterology
2. Acute neurogenic pulmonary edema following abdominal surgery - Korean Journal of Medicine.
3. A Case of Protein Loosing Enteropathy Associated with Pseudomembranous Colitis in a Patient with Peritonitis - Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
4. A Case of Pneumomediastinum, Subcutaneous Emphysema, and Tension Pneumothorax after ERCP
5. A Case of Uretheral Obstruction and Pyonephrosis after Extracorporeal Shock Wave lithotripsy in 5 Years.
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