
강동완 대표원장 영어 토론회

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작성자 웰니스
댓글 0건 조회 8,673회 작성일 06-08-17 17:09



사랑과 감동이 넘치는 대한웰니스병원입니다.

본원의 강동완대표원장께서 매주 수요일 6시부터

부산 경상대학교 영어교수님과 시사, 문학, 외국인클리닉

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 교수님 프로필^^;
 성 명 : Jeffrey Barry Schneider

 국적 : 미국


  City University of New York 문학사

토론 교재

Living Arts

Italian Renaissance comes alive in prints

Had it not been for the Italian Renaissance - the opening phase of the great cultural changes and achievements in Europe - the art history of mankind may have been written quite differently.
To people living today, art history without Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and the great architectural works of the Florence Duomo and St. Peter`s Basilica is indeed, quite unimaginable.

Spanning the period from the end of the 14th century to around 1600, the Italian Renaissance marked the transition between the medieval and early modern Europe. The word renaissance - 'rinascimento' in Italian - literally meaning 'rebirth,' an overwhelming cultural renewal took place in the era.

▲'The Last Supper'
The crucial renaissance period, and the following cultural eras of baroque, romanticism and neoclassicism have come alive in delicate print works for the 'Utopia - Old Master Prints' exhibition being held at Daejeon Asia Museum.

Observing over 120 original prints on the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sanzio Raffaello, Nicolas Poussin, Peter Paul Rubens, William Turner and Jean Dominique Ingres, people will naturally understand that the centuries of Western art have been based upon the mythology, literature and religion of renaissance.

First appearing in Tuscany, the Italian Renaissance flourished in the cities of Florence and Siena.

The renaissance art in Florence which began anew with the frescos and panel paintings of Masaccio, Piero della Francesca and Paolo Uccello enhanced the realism of their work through new techniques representing three-dimensional art.

Then, at the turn of the 16th century, artists began to use new techniques of tone contrast - evident in many of Titian`s portraits - and the chiaroscuro by Leonardo da Vinci and Giorgione.

The period known as the 'High Renaissance' represents the culmination of the earlier periods, namely the accurate representation of figures rendered with credible motion and decorous style. Leonardo da Vinci`s wall-painting 'The Last Supper' and Michelangelo`s 'The Last Judgment' are textbook examples of this period.

A delicate print of Leonardo da Vinci`s 'The Last Supper,' recreated by a woodblock artist in 1787, is among the most eye-catching works in this exhibition. A woodcut version of Da Vinci`s 'Virgin of the Rocks' is also displayed along with 12 prints of Michelangelo`s 'The Last Judgment.' The original wall painting in the Sistine Chapel is known as one of Michelangelo`s masterpieces which took the artist several years of effort until he completed the work in 1512.

A lithograph print of Elisabetta Sirani`s 'Portrait of Beatrice Cencie' greets observers with its trademark naive smile. Cencie, who was raped by her own father and was given death penalty after murdering him for revenge, is known as a tragic beauty who many artists of her time had longed to paint.

The portrait of Cencie had aroused the 'Stendhal Syndrome' which is a mental movement aiming for psychological inspiration and purification through beautiful artworks.

Through the prints of 'The Death of Leonardo da Vinci' by French neoclassicism leader Ingres, and British romanticism master Turner`s landscape paintings, viewers will also be given the chance to see how the renaissance influenced the late


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